Join us on our trip to Lithuania when we visit the manufacturer of KAOS Endeløs for the first time! Forgive the slightly quick cut and somewhere weak sound due to an unplanned wind sequence outside the plane 😛

Bottom line: Great trip, we have a seriously competent manufacturer who has full control. We simply feel very humble and happy to see things we’ve worked so hard for being handled and produced by such skilled people. Wow.

After a meeting where we went through and made som last adjustments on the final Endeløs samples we went to visit the factory where everything happens. By then the time was late and the factory had closed for the day, but we got to take a look still. We were greeted by a mysterious but magical atmosphere and the smell that was left after a day of wood production was amazing. Loved it. My God, we love our job!

KAOS Endeløs will now be sent for testing and certification, we cross our fingers it goes smooth. After that we are starting the production and expect to have Endeløs in stock during May / June. Yay!
