Klapp review

4 families in Denmark put KAOS Klapp to the test

The feedback is unanimous. Read their full reviews here!


One month ago we sent 4 different families in Denmark 4 Klapp chairs to put them to the test; They have tested the chairs and accessories. It’s always exciting to get peoples’ feedback, and we were extra eager to get the reviews from Testfamilien.dk, which is a 100% third party review Here are their honest opinions and full reviews.

All tests and reviews on testfamilien.dk are judged based on the following criteria:

  • Utility
  • Durability
  • Quality
  • Price

Testfamilien.dk use 5 ratings which range from VERY GOOD, GOOD, AVERAGE, LESS GOOD and BAD.

The verdict is unanimous

4 Danish families have used their Klapp chairs for 1 month, and Klapp has been put to the hard core test through all aspects of baby, toddler and kids life. The results are ready, and we couldn’t be more proud to receive the best reviews we could ever wish for. We’ll add a summary here, and if you know Danish, follow the link below to testfamilien.dk and read the 4 reviews in full detail. Even if you don’t understand Danish we recommend following the link, cause the pictures really says it all.

KAOS Klapp test results

Utility value

VERY GOOD: A chair that our children can enjoy for many years, and which is practical in everyday life.


VERY GOOD: Good materials have been used, and the craftsmanship is top notch, so it will be able to be used for many years. At the same time, the timeless design means that it will continue to be able to fit into most homes.


GOOD: The chair costs DKK 2,249, which I think is quite fair, where price and quality go together nicely.

Read the full review on testfamilien.dk (external link, in danish only.)

