Klapp barnestol

The race was too close!

We announced a battle and asked our followers “Which of these two Klapp chairs do you want”?

1500 people voted; 53% wanted the Blue/Spicy Orange and 47% wanted the Violet/Green. And with that close a race, we simply cannot choose only one. We have to make them both!

But hold your horses, because we will only produce 20 of each version. We will open for Pre-orders on Friday 14 October, first come, first serve.

Get the direct link to pre-order

To be the first to receive the link to pre-order, make sure to follow our newsletter. An email will be sent out on Friday 14 October, sp be ready! You snooze, you loose.

Haven’t signed up yet? Do it now.

This is Klapp Pop-Up

New versions will Pop-Up every now and then. Learn all about the Klapp Pop-Up here.

KAOS Klapp Pop Up
Coming soon