With good reason

Little was left to coincidence when the father of 5 children and Associate Professor Ole Petter Wullum was given the task of developing KAOS Klapp.

We are moms, and we know what we need based on our own hectic everyday life with children. Being otherwise creative and with a background in graphic design, we know how we want things to look. But we are not trained industrial designers, so when we got the idea to make a folding, beautiful high chair, we had to get help from competent professionals. We went to Industrial Designer and Associate Professor at NTNU, Ole Petter Wullum, who has extensive experience in the development of children’s furniture. In addition, he is the father of five children. We figured he would agree there was a need for a space-saving high chair!

Ole Petter loved our idea. This made him wonder why no one had made such a high chair before, because the world sure needed one. Ole Petter became part of our team and started working.

A demanding task

We researched and evaluated various solutions for a long time. An awful lot of directions were brought to the table. KAOS Klapp had to solve a number of needs for both kids and for us as designers, at the same time, it had to meet all safety requirements in accordance with the European standard, EN 14988. Meeting this standard was important to us. Security is our biggest priority.

We worked on the drawing board and with different prototypes for 4 whole years. At one point it seemed like an impossible task to make the chair we envisioned, and to be honest we were about to give up. We realized why it didn’t already exist on the market. But we continued because it just had to be possible to make a nice, foldable high chair that could be used throughout the entire upbringing.





No coincidences

When you have worked so hard with every little detail for almost 5 years, nothing is left to coincidence once the product is finished. In January 2019, Klapp was finally approved as a certified high chair in accordance with all European safety requirements. It was a great victory to have solved everything.

Children are very active, even at the table. The father of five knows all about it, and Ole Petter was from the outset interested in exploring how we could give the children an active and varied sitting position. There is also a meaning to the fixed ladder steps, the fixed seat height, and the extra tall safety rail. The back is shaped as it is for a reason. The metal on the chair, the locking mechanism under the seat. It’s all there for good reasons. And not least: that the chair is foldable for a mighty good reason.

1. Ready assembled in the box

The Klapp chair comes ready assembled in the box, and it is incredibly easy for the user. Just unfold the legs, wait for the lock under the seat to “click” into place, then it is ready for use. To fold the legs together, just release a two-step locking mechanism under the seat, tilt the seat and slide the hind legs in towards the front legs.

Another advantage of the Klapp high chair that is fully assembled is that we avoid incorrect assembly of the user.

2. Fixed steps

KAOS Klapp’s steps are fixed and should not be adjusted. With the fixed steps, the child finds a natural and varied sitting position as he grows throughout his upbringing. It is almost like sitting on a staircase where the legs are free to change position as it suits. It provides an active and varied sitting position for the children.

Another purpose of the ladder steps is that it becomes very easy for children to climb up and down themselves. All children love to climb a ladder. The feeling of mastery of being able to go up and down on the chair itself is great and important. It is not uncommon for children to happily shout “Fireman Sam!” when they go up and down on Klapp. It says it all.

3. Fixed seat height with adjustable cushion

The seat on the Klapp high chair is fixed and should not be adjusted along the way. The seat height is 54 cm. For the youngest children, we recommend combining with Klapp’s cushion, which builds 2 cm and gives a sitting height of 56 cm.

4. Extra stable safety bar

The safety rail for Klapp high chair is recommended to be used from the time the child can sit upright himself (approx. 6-8 months) and up to 36 months. From experience with other high chairs, Ole Petter wanted to make Klapp’s safety rail extra tall to give the child extra good support and stability, also sideways. In other words, small children sit very stably in KAOS Klapp when the rail and cushion set are fitted.

5. Folding high chair

One of the absolute advantages of KAOS Klapp is that it can be folded without having to jigsaw the chair apart into several parts. We developed a two-step safety lock under the seat that must be released before the legs can be folded. This exercise is done in a few seconds, and you thus get a chair that can be put away when not in use. Or take on a trip.

Get it out of the way

Before Klapp was on the market, we experienced that one of our own children climbed up on the highchair we had at the time, while we cleaned the kitchen table. The chair was pushed all the way to the table, we thought the “stage was safe”. We were wrong. Our child climbed up and fell down backward from the seat on the chair. It was a scary experience that fortunately ended well, but the experience was a great driver for making a high chair that could be folded away and put away completely.

We always recommend putting any high chair away when not in use, so that such potential accidents can even occur. We felt the urge for a foldable high chair to make this easier in our everyday life, and there you have the story of how KAOS Klapp came to exist and why it is like it is. It’s no coincidence ❤️

Other practical info


KAOS Klapp high chair is developed, tested, and certified in accordance with the European standard for high chairs, EN 14988. It is also certified in accordance with standards EN71 and EN 16516.


KAOS Klapp high chair is robust. It has passed an individual strength test with a load of up to 230 kg.


KAOS Klapp with safety rail is suitable for children from they can sit well upright themselves (from about 6-8 months of age). The safety bar is recommended until the child is 36 months old.

KAOS Klapp high chair without the rail is suitable to be used for children up to 6-7 years.


The KAOS Klapp high chair is cleaned with a damp microfiber cloth and without chemicals. Wipe the chair when the accident is out and before it solidifies, and it is easy to keep clean.


We do not use hazardous chemicals in the production of Klapp high chair. Klapp high chair is produced with Formaldehyde-free glue, it follows EN 16516 and uses only water-based varnish.

Zero Waste production

KAOS Klapp leaves zero waste in production. The chair parts are cut and shaped by programmed machines that utilize as much of the materials as they can. Then we use the cut and leftovers to make the Klapp Hook, which allows you to hang Klapp high chair up on the wall.

All small cuts and chips that are left in the end are used as fuel to provide heat and energy to the entire factory.


If you have any questions about KAOS Klapp high chair, don’t hesitate to send us an email or give us a call (+47 99366282). We are here to help.

Thanks for choosing KAOS!
