Become a part of KAOS new music video

You heard correctly; We are making a song and music video in honor of toddler parents. And we want you to be in it!

Never before has it been more suitable to launch a KAOS song! That’s why we asked one of Norway’s most beautiful voices, Live Foyn Friis aka artist Liive, to make a song about toddler life. The song is ready – Now we’re going to make the music video and we want you to join the cast list!

You can hear a taste of the song here:

Join the movie

Send us your best movie clips showing what it’s like to have toddlers. It can be sweet moments or chaotic moments. It can be glimpses from birth, the child’s first steps, a worn out parent, or perhaps one of the funny things toddler tend to do. There can be desperate crying or laughter. The sound of your video will not be used, it’s just the movie clip we’re looking for.

We simply want to highlight all aspects of toddler life.

You can film with a mobile phone, preferably portrait format. If you have a landscape format and think the clip is good we will have it anyway! The video clips will eventually be put together to a longer video, to honor toddler parents out there with clips from life and a beautiful song to go with it.

How to submit your contribution

Submit the file as MP4 format (straight from your phone-library). If the file is heavy you can use WeTransfer to send files (free). Send your file to by May 5.

Not sure what we’re looking for?

We have accessed our private archives to give you an idea. Here are some of the films from our everyday lives, all of which are good reference films.

By submitting an image or video, you agree that KAOS may publish the content in the video, on KAOS channels and other online media. You can only submit content that you own, or where the photographer has accepted it. We reserve the right to publish or not. Also, remember that depicted persons must have given their consent to use the footage.
