Save 10% on KAOS Klapp Bundles

The more you bundle, the more you’ll save.

The Total KAOS Bundle

The Total KAOS bundle provides you with a highchair and full range of attachments for your child’s entire childhood. Add all to cart and 10% discount is automatically applied:

Klapp Highchair, Babyseat, Safety Rail, Tray, Cushion Set, and Harness.

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The Newborn Bundle

 The bundle to go for with newborns! Our Babyseat can be used from 0-9 kg, and allows you to include your baby around the dining table from the early beginning. Socialize and collect memories as a family! Add all to cart, and 10% discount is automatically applied.

Klapp High Chair+ Babyseat

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The Toddler Bundle

The perfect bundle for children that can sit up unaided, app 6-8 months. The Safety Rail is recommended to use until 36 months of age. Add all to cart, and 10% discount is automatically applied

Klapp High Chair, Safety Rail, Tray, and Cushion.

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The Ninja Bundle

Some kids are like little ninjas! This bundle will help them stay safe, while have full freedom to move! The bundle also oncludes a wall hook, so you can hang your Klapp highchair onto the wall and prevent your little ninja from climbing on it when not in use. Add all elements to cart, and 10% discount is automatically applied:

Klapp High Chair, Jr. Harness, Wall Hook, and Slippers.

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