You are unique, and so is KAOS Klapp. Last but not least, life should be fun and exciting! That’s why, every now and then you will find KAOS Klapp available in rare Pop-Up variants. These special combinations of color will most probably be highly limited (at a minimum 20 pieces of each version). In other words; They are pure gems.
To be honest there are endless of cool and beautiful combinations we want to make, but we always turn to our followers to help us decide. So make sure to follow us on Instagram to have your say when there’s a new Klapp Battle coming up, and your Klapp dream combo might come true.
To be notified about Klapp Pop-Ups and to be amongst the first we invite to Pre-order, please make sure to follow our newsletter. Once we’re ready to accept pre-orders, you will receive an email with direct link to the Klapp Pop-Up and you need to act fast. First come, first serves!
Don’t miss out, sign up now.
I’m in!
We asked, and 1500 of our beloved Instagram followers voted! Which Klapp high chairs do you want to see next? We simply couldn’t decide, and it turns out: neither could you!
Well. That means we’ll have to make them both! And we couldn’t be more excited.